Saturday, March 27, 2010

Welcome to Elgin

Welcome_to_elgin_7fwdWe have been hugely welcomed to Elgin.  We have been blessed to have so much help in getting unpacked and settled.  We are so grateful for this wonderful church family who have gone above and beyond to make us feel at home here. 

The boys arrived here yesterday and were excited to see their new rooms and love the big backyard.  However, this morning Connor said he didn't want to go potty at this house, but wanted to go home.  I had been wondering if he understood what was going on.  We explained it again and he decided he could go potty here.  Kids are so funny.  Cole seems to love it here already and well, Caleb, is Caleb and has fun playing anywhere and everywhere.  They all slept pretty good last night in their new rooms and I'm sure tonight will be even better.

We are mostly unpacked but haven't hung anything on the walls and such yet.  I know many have been asking me to post pictures of our new home and I will definitely get those shortly. 


  1. How exciting! So glad you've had helped and are basically IN your house. I know it will feel like "home" once you get your things around you. Blessings!

  2. Glad the boys are doing good there. I know it is going to be a great adventure for all of you. Hope the home schooling adventure goes well also. ;)

  3. Hope, This SOOO made me laugh!!! I can hardly wait to tell Cody!!! That Connor is precious!!
