Monday, August 2, 2010

No Routines & Summer Adventures

If you have been reading my blog for any period of time, you know every summer I completely fall off the blogging wagon (if there is such a thing). I have learned something about myself that I probably already knew, but didn't want to own up to.  I need routines.  I crave routines.  My sanity wavers when there is no routine.  Moving causes the loss of all routine.  Summertime is notorious for having no routines. So, yes, I am a little crazy at the moment, but sanity is on the horizon.

There is much about summertime I do enjoy though.  While my routines might be turned upside-down, there is freedom with summer to do just about anything at anytime.  Plus, 3 of us (not me) have summertime birthdays, so Caleb, Cole, and Jason are a year older than probably the last time I posted.  Our summer has looked something like this,

Lots of Swimming * Seaworld * Disneyworld for Cole * DeeDee's House * Parties * New & Old Friends Visiting * Caleb's Birthday * Father's Day  * VBS * Lots of Nana & Papa * Western Days * ER Visit * 4th of July *  Houston * Youth Camp for me * Cole's Birthday * Farmer's Markets * Jason's Birthday * Date Night * Round Rock Express Games * Cousins *  Picking Watermelon at Mr. Alvin's *  Austin's Park & Pizza  * Bowling * Library * Movie Nights * Way too much Eating Out * Lots of Driving

And now I'm tired all over again. 

With the lack of my much needed routines comes the lack of picture-taking.  I seemed to only remember my camera about half the time during the summer fun.  Here are a few pictures of this crazy, fun, busy summer.

New Pool

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  1. Routines....ahhhh, I love 'em. And we moved too, and are still recovering. Ugh. Miss you guys! (And thanks for taking a look at our plans for next year!)

  2. So glad to see you blogging again. I hoping this was your best summer EVER!
