Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Some Thanksgiving trip pictures

Here are a few pictures from our Thanksgiving trip to Tulsa.  We had a great time staying with Grandma and Grandpa. 


Connor loved playing with all of Babu's (aka Grandpa John) hats and had a different one on every few minutes each morning.


Caleb was spoiled rotten by Bibi (aka Grandma Marie) and they both loved every minute of it.  Here he is mooching some of Bibi's breakfast after he'd already eaten all of his.

Thursday afternoon, we took the boys to Woodward Park to walk around and get some pictures.  It was a gorgeous Autumn day!

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  1. Look how cute your hair looks! I love it!!!

  2. Your hair looks so cute!!! LOVE IT!! I hope to see yall in a couple days...

  3. What great pictures! I love "autumn shots."
    And you are one stylin' mama! Where did you get those jeans?
